A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2004


Ok, its not night.......... yet.

Here's a little known fact...I had a crush on the Bay City Rollers...don't tell anyone, especially Donny Osmond. Yeppers, back then I wanted a little bit of Scottish in me.

I was a very tired girl last night. We had some heavy rain yesterday. It took all my energy to drive home in it. When I reached my house, I wanted to fall into bed immediately...but I waited until 10. Fell asleep listening to my Middle Eastern music CD. It jams.

Kept the boys this morning for a few hours. They cracked me up today. While blowdrying my hair, they got behind me and pretended I was blowing them over. It was funny... William kept saying "Whoaaaaaaaaa whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Aunt Sherrie, you're blowing me ooooOoveeeeeer." and Ben would try to copy him with "Oooooo Ooooooooooooo Ooooooooooooooo Shed-rie...ooooooooveeeeeerrrrrrr."

Dance was fun...learned how to do some new turns.. but I need to do some practicing..kept getting turned around the wrong way.

The sun's out now and since I just finished printing an order up, I think I'll slip out of here early today...


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