A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Don't it make my eyes ... green

I'm working late tonight. Dad has two photo shoots to do in Pembroke. So here I am. Working late... later than usual anyways. Its quiet now. Most of the stores have closed. The hammering at the courthouse has stopped. Traffic is almost non-existant. Its like a veil's been pulled over downtown, and if you look closely you can see objects moving in the distance.

I ran into one of the other merchants the other day at the post office. He's across the street and down a few stores. He was the town Lady Killer. What I mean by that is he loved 'em and left 'em. I think I probably have been one of the few who was an equal in the game of flirtation. Or rather one of the few that didn't fall at his feet because he thought (A direct quote) "the blues of your eyes make the sky jealous." I confess, we've flirted since 1994, but kept it at that. I think we enjoyed trying to see who could out 'comeback' the other. I mostly won, btw.

Well, he recently got married. When I saw him, I congratulated him. Told him I hope it works out. Course I didn't tell him that my best-friend Mary and I have a bet that he'll be separated or divorced by Oct. 31, 2005. I'm betting he'll be married. She thinks he won't. Mainly because her ex-daughter-in-law was one of his victims of the 'love 'em and leave 'em' game.

He asked when I was getting married. I laughed. Told him I had no plans to. Then he said, "You should get married. That way you'll have someone to hold at night, to buy you Christmas presents, to cuddle with at night and go places with..." He went on a long drawn out list of things that Married People can do together.

I said, "I don't need to be married to do all that." Before I could elaborate, he mentioned how the green top I had on made my eyes look green instead of blue. Ahh... the flirtation continues. As does the 'comeback' competition.

So I smiled a Sherrie smile. Then said over my shoulder as I walked away, "Maybe I'm jealous the sky was so blue today."


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