A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Friday, February 11, 2005

Rubies, Diamonds and Pearls

I dropped off a signed poetry book to the store next-door yesterday. I gave it to Wes. Told him to take it home and read it before his dad put it in his showcase. He got a call. As I waited for him to finish, I noticed their new employee was staring at me. He's been with them a few months now and I swear that kid is hard to crack. Nothing I say warms him up.

So I pulled out the big ammo...

"If I rent a Tuxedo does a guy come with it?"

Bulls eye!

He broke. Couldn't answer my question because he was laughing so hard. I said, "Best find out. It's important to know these things."

Wes finished his call and began leafing through my book. "Hey I can write some of your verses on my Hallmark Valentine's cards."

"Sure, they're guarenteed to seduce. Especially page 66."

He flipped to it, read it and then with a surprised look on his face asked the smart question of the day: "Did you write this?"

"Whose name is on the book, Wes?"

That was yesterday. Today Wes dropped in for a minute to ask Dad something. I teased him, "Hey Wes, where's my Valentine?"

"Valentine? You're early, woman. It's not til Monday."

He talked to Dad for a few minutes. I kept on working. When they finished, it was Wes's turn to ask me a question. "How many men are sending you dozens of roses Monday?"

"No roses. I'm getting Rubies, Diamonds and Pearls. See, when you're a published lady poet men deem you a Goddess. I expect nothing less than jewels for Valentine's Day."

All he could say before he left was, "Oh Hell."

After he left Dad said, "That's the first time I've seen Wes speechless."


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