A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Shipwreck Soul

Shipwreck Soul
I do not have the strength to save you
from yourself,
nor do I possess the keys to heaven;
the free get-out-of-hell card.
I cannot give you sanctuary
from the demons within.
Once upon a soul, I gave you love
the death of my individuality...
what became of me
begot you an entity pure.
But as all love is prone to do,
you fell into a moment of truth.
The ecstasy of eternal bliss dies,
a slow meaningless death.
To keep love alive, one must stroke it,
like the fire that it is.
Left unattended it smothers to cinder.
Do you not know this?
I cannot save you, nor can I give love back
once it is gone...it is ash.
You have to find the way back
to your soul, to the heart of you.
All I can do is stand on the shore
and watch you sink or swim.
John Waterhouse is one of my favorite artist. I love his work--it captures my soul. The painting I've posted is Miranda--The Temptest. The subject of the poem refers to Allen--my old love. I came across a letter he wrote me in 1999. I read it and threw it away. The poem above pretty much describes how I feel.


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