A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

August Rains

Got my wish about the heat index.... we've had rains the last couple of days.
It's so much cooler. But the gray skies make me sleepy.
I've had coffee but still long for a nap.

Things at work are ok. Been pluggin' away at some restorations and am managing to please everyone. Photography has been quiet but school starts back tomorrow and we'll soon have daycares and private schools to photography.

This year has been a big wedding year. I bet we've photographed 30 or more. Not bad, since the digital age has made every person with a digital camera think they can do a professional job. Wish I had a million dollars for every call or drop-in asking if I can improve poorly shot digital files.

Dad's doing some better. But he's still going to take a stress test tomorrow. I think he needs to find out what's what, so he'll stop speculating. Speculation is ok but not when it comes to serious health problems. A few customers that think the world of him have been on to him about smoking. I told one that all she's doing is making him want to smoke. I hope things work out ok. Trying not to worry or at least let him see it. He doesn't need to worry about me worrying..so no worries.

William starts first grade tomorrow. He's not excited. I tried to talk to him about it yesterday and he said, "Aunt Sherrie. Let's talk about sumpin' else." He's got this thing about walking around saying 'I love Eggs. Eggs like me.' My sister said he got it from the Amanda show that's on nick jr at 6 pm week nights. I do know this... it's addictive. I hear myself saying it all the time too. I guess we're in the Cult of Eggs.

Ben's speech is improving. I could understand him clearly this week. I hope he learns to be a studious boy. So far he's not shown interest in books or his Leap Pad by Leap Frog. He's in a "Red Power Ranger" phase.

Let's see...what else... Oh I've been listening to the Audio CD of Blackwell Farm. I love it. Have the next one, Blood Canticle and started listening to it ...only to realize that to get the whole jest of it, I needed to force myself to finish reading the Mayfair witch books. Oh how I dislike that bunch. But for LeStat I would do anything. How I love that character...almost as much as I love Special Agent Pendergast of the Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child books.

I also listened to "Animal Farm." What a book... it should be a must read for all adults.

Haven't been watching much regular TV of late. Can't get into these new stupid reality shows and that's about all that's on, other than law and order. Taking a break from the CSI re-runs so I'll be psyched when the new shows start. Counting down to when Nip/Tuck starts again...oh how I love that show.

Can't complain about much... life's pretty good.


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