A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Poems...by Moi

(for those of you who don't read 'French' that means...ME)

Across Your Lips

the soft billow
of night's sail
across the moon

of calm seas
that fall prey
to violent storms

they mingle
like tears and kisses
across your lips



the kind you find
on seashore cowboys
who try to tame
the sea

It sits upon my head
proud like the mane
on a stallion
tolerating the wind

A band of violet
basking on the straw
waiting for the

fish rodeo
to arrive


You, of Stone and Wheat

You, of stone and wheat;
the barley of summer--
fair and blonde--
the lion in the field.

I watch you walk
on alabaster sand,
the grains of today
sticking to your heels.

How do you tame
the wild heat of yesterday
and place it so nicely
into loaves of tomorrow?

"Stone and wheat," you say,
as I watch a grain of sand
escape, like a lion
into the field of summer.


If I can

If I can seduce you
with satin and lace-
the ivory of my thighs,

Why can't I romance
time-the whisper of
your lips across mine?

If I could wrap it
around my little finger,
then we could

spend an eternity
lost in the shadow of
candlelight and wine

pooling on cleavage.


I Could

I could write you
into solitude
if you so desperately
need an escape.

Trees lined with limes
and grass so soft-
the down of spring chicks...

and the silence -
so thick that thoughts
cannot penetrate
the shell.

Your solitude-a cool drink
that doesn't quench
the need to be alone
within yourself.


  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger New York City's Watchdog said…

    Wow... very very nice... your very talented. Have you ever thought of publishing a book of poetry???

    BTW... thanks for your kind words on my blog... I appreciate it.

  • At 1:06 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    Wow, hon, when you come back writing you come back strong... beautiful! :)


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