A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I've been Tagged..by NYC's Watchdog

... 6 Weird things about Me... (only 6???)

1) I have a lipstick fetish. There are no less than 12 tubes of either lipstick or gloss in my handbag. Without lipstick, I feel naked. Given a choice of either wearing clothes or lipstick only...I would choose lipstick.

2) On my way home from work, I take off my bra as I drive and sing out "Free at last...free at last...Oh Thank God, they're free at last."

3) I only eat cereal(usually Count Chocolate or Special K with Vanilla/Almonds) with a black plastic spoon.

4) I hate sleeping alone...if my lover isn't around, then I put a notebook with pen, a Pablo Neruda poetry book, my personal CD player loaded with my Best of the Backstreet boys CD and a small toy zebra in the bed with me.

5) Tails up pennies on the ground? I run from them. They are bad luck. Now, this doesn't apply to dimes, nickels, quarters or paper money.

6) I water down fruit juice, soda pop and tea. I prefer them diluted as opposed to full strength--this doesn't apply to wine.

Ok...there, you've got them... 6 weird things about me...now, who will be brave enough to post 6 weird things about themselves as a comment to this post?


  • At 2:45 PM, Blogger New York City's Watchdog said…

    I can totally relate to number 4. Only I use a pillow. Pretty mundane huh? Maybe I should try the zebra... lol... thanks for taking the tag like a champ!


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