A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Friday, September 17, 2004

Taking a Break

Taking a moment away from this stupid picture I'm trying to make new again.
I dreamt about work last night--that I was sitting in front of the PC, pecking away at a damaged background. I should have been dreaming about a handsome man, naked and offering me some grapes or figs. Nooooooo I have to dream about work.

We've got rain again and tornado warnings! The wind is up and it keeps making the door pop open just enough to send the door chime into a ding.

I was asked to go see Male Strippers tonight at Cagney's in Fayetteville. A friend's brother-in-law is getting married next week and his fiance asked her to bring along some friends if she doesn't want to feel old. The fiance is like 23. Ledena is 36. I thought to myself how uncouth but Ledena said the girl was like that--spoke without really thinking of how she sounds. I don't think I want to be around someone I might knock out if she offends me, so I declined. The last one I went to was hokey anyway. The guys had glitter sprayed on their bodies. Sorry but I prefer sweaty oiled half-naked real men grinding on me instead of glitter accentuated pretty boys.
I have some funny male stripper stories from the 80's. Maybe tomorrow I'll write about them.

So what am I doing tonight instead? My friend Doug is bringing Miss Emily over. She's 4 and asked to visit Miss Sherrie so we can talk about her dance class, Barbie, Survivor and shopping. I've got the nephews tonight, so they should have fun playing after I give her a little attention. She's a smart little girl. I'm interested on her thoughts on Survivor.

Tomorrow I work..slave slave slave.... and then its home. I may go out for a while--play some pool. Depends on whether its rainy. If not I'll do some painting. I've got a portrait painted in my mind--if I paint it one more time, I'll not get it on canvas. That's the way I am. If I mentally paint a portrait--I don't attempt to paint it.

I sent my novel to PA this week. Wish me luck. It will take a few weeks before they get to it. Its taking so long to get my poetry book done, I know if I don't send it in now that it will never be ready by Spring. It is a summer themed book and needs to be read while lounging on the beach.

Ok, back to work...chop chop.


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