A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Compliments, Quarters and Go-Go Boots

Today I'm complimenting people and then charging a quarter.. no one's paying up. Then I gave a compliment to the pawn shop owner a block away--he came in to talk to Dad and I charged him a quarter. He said he didn't have any change..so he gave me a buck and said I owed hime 3 compliments.. hell, it was hard coming up with one!!!!

Mr. Carl, the owner of one of the last 'old' businesses downtown came by an hour ago. He has a shoe store. Its been here over 50 years. He's very old--82 or so. Lives in Whiteville, drives here every day. The last few years, he's declined in age...he now has trouble getting words out. Resulting in saying the noun of his sentences and doing a lot of gesturing. Anyway, he came by and said 'Boots..boots...you...boots." Pointing to the door.

Dad said, 'go look...make him happy.'... so I did. And now am the proud mammy of a pair of glossy black platform go-go boots lol.. they rock, baby, they rock.

Mr. Carl gave 'em a thumbs up when I tried them on. I looked at the sales lady who works with him and said, "I bet he says that to all the women." lol

Anyway... since I got distracted by shiny objects, I'm behind on writing...again. Going to do so work and try to get in 2000 words on my novel or I'll be writing all night come Nov 30.


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