A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Just a quick hello

Busy day going on... took in a few rush orders and haven't had time to get online much. Though I did manage to write Chapt 3. Remember this is first draft writing...so if there are errors, etc...I'll correct them later. I've got 50K words to spoon out and I'm behind already.

Another thing.. there's the Bagle Virus going around. I've had one person tell me they got a virus tainted email from my email address. Well I didn't send it...viruses copy files with email addresses and replicate them--spoof them. Then they send out email with the virus. Its not done intentionally on my part, so if you get an email that has "Re: HI" in the subject header and :)) in the body...its not from me. I don't usually say Hi and...I don't do smileys with double )'s. If I do send attachments, they usually are photos and you can view them without downloading. And most of the time I have my signature at the end of the email.

So my advice is to delete anything that doesn't look like a Sherrie email that may come from my address.


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