A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Happy March

I'm behind in posting here. Sorry about that.

Going out of town this weekend and am having to jam on my work. Naturally, the devil aka my HP printer is being a bitch and not working properly today.

So as not to implode or go postal, I'm taking a well-earned break and writing here for a few minutes.

now...on to the Sher News!

Got my first royalty check from PA... yea, baby... a cool experience.

The nephews have killed my right hand by pulling on me all the time. I think they don't realize how delicate my limbs are. I think I say 'you're killing me' 100 times a visit. Lisa said that William has picked up the phrase. He told his teacher Wednesday that she's killing him with the letter J. haha...that's my boy.

I've started editing my Irish Pirate novel again. I lost the final version when my PC crashed. Luckily I keep notes in a notebook and have them to refer back too. The lamplighter novel is on hold until I get this one finalized. But don't worry...when I get an idea for a plot twist, I write it down, so its there waiting.. for me to pick it up again.

I haven't written any poetry since the last one I posted here. Oh I did manage a haiku...but its about someone and I don't feel like putting it here. Maybe my trip will refresh my mind and I'll have some things to write about.

As for my trip...I'm heading to G-ville Sat. Going to have a late lunch with my old friend D and then go over to Joyce's. Her mother has cancer and had surgery today. I haven't heard from her yet but I hope it went well. We promised her mom that I would be there this weekend. She was like another mother to me during my G-ville years and I hate that I've let all this time pass. I told Joyce we should never have let real life get in the way...but she reminded me...that true friendship never dies. And she's right...when we talk and laugh, I feel as if she's always been there. I'm staying with her until mid-afternoon and then visiting my friend J.

Home... later that evening ...can't miss the new installment of Carnivale...though I will be torn... Nip/Tuck comes on at the same time. I may have to record one. Or... watch Carnivale on Monday... I can't miss Nip/Tuck. I love that show. Its disturbing but... hey, I like disturbing.

As for Survivor.... I've picked my favorites.. Stephanie, The Tattoo girl and Ian (the dolphin guy). Though the firefighter..Tom is hot. He can do pushups over me any day. lmao.

And CSI??? Can it get any better or not!

Lately I've been watching the old Curve Your Enthusiasm DVD's...and they are so funny. Larry David is a genius.

Hmmmm...what else is going on? Oh we're having the Rumba on the Lumber this weekend. Here's the link. Rumba if you click on the various links you may see photos of the past 2 yrs events... it's held in historic down town... and that's where the studio is.

Well that's all for now... oh wait...

To the person who keeps trying to break into this blog ( I get notifications for password requests every few days).... its not worth the trouble. My password is too complicated and unless your email is listed as the contact acct...you aren't going to get in. Its not hard to start your own... if you can follow directions, I'm sure you can do it.

Have a great day.


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