A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Monday, July 25, 2005

Here today..Hopefully Tomorrow

another hectic week over and another hectic week begins...

I think half of the city's population is having a family reunion this coming weekend. The photos they're bringing in for me to restore are either torn or stuck to the glass in the frame. I'll get thru it all but its a pain in the ass to scan through broken glass.

Watched Boogey Man this weekend. Sucks Eggs! The plot is much like the Tooth Fairy movie. Whatever it's real title was. Holes in the plot. Hell, the boogey man I was afraid of couldn't stand a lit room.

Caught a really good movie on the PBS station.. Whale Rider. About a girl born to a line of chieftains in a New Zealand fishing village, thus breaking the line. Very moving movie. I recommend it.

Finished Harry Potter 6... wasn't surprised at who died...but who did it did surprise me. Can't help but wonder if they arranged it between themselves. JK isn't usually so obvious in her plot. From the first few chapters I realized who was going to die. I'm going back to the beginning and read the books. Try to figure out who RAB is. JohnS told me about a message board "Godric's Hollow" that has Harry Potter Fanatics posting theories. I think I'll have to stop by when I have more time and see if I agree with their theories. If it weren't for JohnS, I wouldn't be reading the books. He encouraged me to give them a try. I keep thinking I'll start a Harry Potter group...

Let's see what else is going on...


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