A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Monday, November 21, 2005

Monday is Bucket Day

... It's raining buckets of water right now.

Lazy weekend. I didn't do a thing..well, that's not true. I did breathe air and did other duties that are necessary to survive. I was too lazy to get off the couch and change the DVD in the player so I watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for the 7th time.

After it went off I watched a great movie called 'The door in the floor." It starred Jeff Bridges and Kim Bassinger. A very tragic movie! It's based on the first third of the John Irving novel called "Widow for a Year."

Sunday I typed up some of my handwritten notes of my novel into a word doc file. I've got 9 days to get it typed. Arrrrrrrrrrgh. (I saw that pirate commerical where he's trying to find a job and all he can say is aaaaaaaaaargggggggh ...too many times this weekend).

I took a few naps and felt better yesterday morning...and today...well, my head is stuffy and my throat is red and burning. Good thing I go back to the doctor later. I think with my immune system down a bit, it will take a while to get better..

Oh yea... I watched Rome... Caesar was slashed to death. I heard there will be a second season...I could go on about the series, especially since I'm a fan of Roman history...but I'll spare you

Curb Your Enthusiasm was so funny last night. I think this season is one of the better ones. Larry isn't forcing things to happen ...the dialogue is funny and I laughed so hard. I would write more about the episode but it was really graphic and taken out of context, not so funny.

Well, it's off to the glue factory... better boot scoot to work...


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