A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Killin' Time

A quiet day at work. I'm killin' time until 4 pm.
That song by Clint Black comes to mind when I think of killin' time, especially this line:

"I just might find I'll be killin' time for eternity."

I hope life will return to normal next week. Ben's much better today. He's a little trooper. I'm amazed at how well he dealt with having his tonsils out at so young an age. He's talking but its all muffly. When he does ring out clear, his voice is very high.

William did great this past week. He listened to me and never once failed to understand what I wanted him to do. He didn't argue about brushing his teeth or going to bed. He was happy to be with his Aunt Sherrie. We are a team.

...And I kicked his butt playing Mario Kart 64 on the old Nintendo that my brother gave him. I gave him every opportunity to win but he wasn't interested in that goal. He kept falling into rivers or down canyons or riding off the explore the castle when we rode past it. I dreamt about the stupid game almost every night this week.

Tomorrow is Father's Day. I'm having Dad over for an early dinner. We're grilling out. Lisa and the boys are coming over. I'm happy to hear that my lugheaded brother-in-law has to work. He's the biggest idiot this side of the SC line.

I haven't been online much after work this week. Surprisingly I haven't missed it. After William would go to bed, I did some reading--A short story collection by Bentley Little. Very good horror author.

And I did some Tarot studies too. Tomorrow morning I'll tackle some readings.

I've missed chatting with a few people. Sara came on a while ago and we caught up on our news. I haven't had time to chat with her all week. I also miss chatting with Robert. We enjoy a good laugh and the discussion of writing poetry and musing over muses.

We finally got the AC fixed at the studio. The unit is so old that it took 3 techs to work on it...but they ended up calling a guy who's been working on AC units since the beginning of the AC age. He said he was surprised the unit still works. Me, well, I'm happy it still does.

The family store next-door to us, The Washington's have a death in the family. Joan the mom's father passed away this week. He was 84. Today is the funeral. They left the studio number as the emergency number. Some chick just called and asked if I had a 'suit' for her. It seems she ordered a suit for father's day and didn't pick it up when they called her yesterday. I told her no and she was all upset over it. Jeez...is this an emergency??? I don't think so. She was suppose to pick the suit up on Thurs and knew that they were closed today. I'm not worrying about it. A person should use their noggin.

I finally caught up on the commissioned oils I've been working on since March. I had 3. Two have been viewed and will be picked up next week. The other is still sitting on my easel in the paint room, covered with a drop cloth. The lady who commissioned me is out of town for a few weeks. She's an accountant and is on Bald Head Island, NC vacationing. I'll probably have a brief lull until Sept. Which is fine, cuz my hand's been achy.

The weather is electrical at night. I can tell when a storm is coming by the steady throb of pain in my right hand across the knuckles and at the wrist. Maybe I should see doctor # 5 about it. Something to ponder over.

Wow, I've killed some time. Better publish this, check my email one last time and then get my few chores done.

:) I've rambled enough.


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