A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Happy Birthday Ben

It's hard to believe that little boy is now 3. I remember going to the hospital and Randy (his dad) taking me over to the nursery window and getting the nurse to hold him up. Lisa was in recovery after having a c-section and her tubes tied. There was Ben, naked as a jaybird and not happy at all. He was long ..about 20 inches and weighed 9 lbs. A big boy.

After I waved at him, Randy and I went back to the waiting room where the TV was broadcasting the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. The news station was discussing the impact on the stock market. Randy and his parents couldn't understand why?????? I remember sitting there thinking..."IDIOTS." Mom was at work. She had been there with Lisa first thing. Finally the nurse came and told us Lisa was in a room. I can't remember where Randy and his parents were, but I was the one who helped Lisa get in her room. I was the one that went to the nurses' station and raised Hell because her pain medicine hadn't arrived. I was the one who got her some cranberry juice.... I was the one who got to hold Ben right after they brought him to her.

Such a pretty baby.. head round and smooth. Skin pink and so soft. Randy came in around this time and I gave Ben over to him. A while later they came and took him away.

He stayed in the hospital a day extra because of a spot on his lungs. They thought it was fluid. I remember I couldn't go into the isolation room with Lisa because I wasn't a Mom, Father or Grandparent.

He was a good baby once he got home. I kept him a lot for the first 3 months. Poor Lisa and Mom had to deal with William, the high maintenence child. Ben and I had many late night talks. He cooed and I yakked away.

We still have our talks but now they're about cars, bears, firetrucks and spiderman.


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