A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Is today over?

What an action packed day!

First, hung out with the nephews while Lisa shopped.

Then slipped off to belly dance, when Mom got here to get stuff ready for Ben's party.

Went to the Post Office and got the mail, talked to ole Mark the gay guy who looks straighter than straights. He's so funny. He always says if he ever goes straight, he's coming for me. I always reply, " You'll have to catch me first."

Next was work... slow tedious work... had a client trying to fix Dad up with a friend of hers. I laughed because Dad gets it all the time. I always say I'm secretly married when someone asks if I need a boyfriend. Most of the time it works...and if it doesn't the person gets the hint.

Left work early because I knew Mom was here, working on getting the party stuff organized even though it was Lisa's idea to have a party at my house. Sure enough... Mom was freaking out because she had less than 40 mins to get things done. So I took over the decorations and present wrapping while she moved lawn chairs under the carport.

When the boys got here and it was all fun and games. We played baseball. I pitched. William actually hit the ball a few times. We're working on the rules of the game...like run 3 bases to home instead of 10 or running around the house. Then we played catch me if you can and I can tell I'm getting my lungs back in shape... I didn't falter and caught William most of the time. He's learning evasive manuevers.

Then we ate... burgers and hotdogs. William made me sit beside him at the table. Sat beside Mom's John and I was glad to be honest... he gets my jokes. Lisa's in-laws don't ...Mom does sometimes and Dad...well if Dad isn't the one telling the joke, he's not interested. So we ate... William kept whispering things in my ear like, "Are we having a party today? Are you happy, Aunt Sherrie? Is that ketchup on your bread? Where's your chicken?"

After the meal, first Ben blew out the candles, because William was in the den playing pokeman stadium. Then he realized he missed the show, so we had to do it again. And... after that, it was chaos..aka...present opening time! The place was littered with toys, clothes and wrapping paper. But it was fun.

Everyone was gone by 6:30, so I changed and went to an outdoor party which had a live local Beach Music band. There were a bunch of Al's friends around. One guy--Doug--likes to shag (shagging is a dance in NC--not a fornicating act...lol) with me. I've been trying to teach him since 1996, but he doesn't do well leading--so I take over. I whorl him around and do the fancy footwork. He gets mad and pouts, after the songs over. But tonight, I threw a wrench in the monkey works by subconsciously adding a kick with a hip bump to my shag technique. Doug threw his hands up and proclaimed that I was sabotaging the dance. lol... what a ninny. I apologized but he wasn't interested. So I mingled and danced some more with a few guys I knew there. Gossiped a bit with the girls and left early due to the roads being so bad and having to drive over them through the swamps without much lighting.

Got home at about 10ish and realized I wasn't tired, so I practiced sensual belly dance and then got online to write some, if my muse will kindly stop combing her hair.


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