A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, September 18, 2004


.....................................we had them yesterday! Rain, wind and lightning! The eletricity at the house was knocked out for a few hours. When it first happened William asked me to light a candle so the power would come back and he could play Mario Kart. When I told him it didn't work that way, he asked that I get a flashlight and try that. Couldn't help but laugh at him. I told him to watch for big yellow trucks--that's who fixes the power. So he did... he and Ben sat by the front door and watched the road. Ben got a big kick out of a ground dove taking a bath in the mud puddle in front of the house.

Once it was restored things were back to normal.

My plans for today have changed. I'm going to Greenville to visit a friend. Should leave here by 3:30...be there before 7. Not sure what kind of weather I'll hit. Its cloudy and sprinkly here. Greenville's forcaste is rain. Haven't been there in ages... I really am happy to get away for a while, even if its only for a night.


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