A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Monday, October 11, 2004

Book Covers

I went for a bottle of water a while ago. Forgot to bring one from home this am. While I was out I decided to walk over to one of the mail drop boxes and post a letter. After I did that I decided to drop by the jewelry store and see Mary--the proprietor. Haven't stopped in to gossip in a while.

The store wasn't crowded so I went in. There was a guy who works at the courthouse, talking to Mary. He has the biggest ego in town. He's an attractive man but his smile doesn't reach his eyes. For the last 10 years, I haven't existed. He can be in the same store downtown when I'm in there... like at WC's and ignore me...even as the people he's talking to are including me in the conversation. Since I've never been attracted to him and think of him as "DickHead," its never bothered me.

I spoke to Mary and felt the guy eye-rating me. Something he's never done before. I went over to the silver case to see what new charms she had. Yes, I have a charm bracelet that I wear on occasion. She and Dickhead were talking and laughing . Then she got a phone call and excused herself from the conversation. She went to the back of the store and I stood a case down from Dick. He said, "How are you doing today?"

I looked around. To be sure he wasn't talking to me!

"You in the red...I'm talking to you." He did mean me.

"Um... doing ok but the day's young." I smiled politely at his laugh that didn't reach his eyes. Then asked, "umm... and you?"

"Doing terrific. Mary's trying to sell me a watch that I don't need."

"Yes, you have to watch out for Mary. She's sneaky." I was beginning to feel slightly strange. Not sure what to say and wishing I hadn't stopped in. So I edged further down the display case.

"WC's store is closed today." Dick said, trying to continue our conversation.

"Yes I know. WC asked me to print the sign that's on their door." I was ready to leave but felt I would wait until Mary came back from her call, so I could tell her I would be back later.

"Can I ask you a question?" Dickhead wanted to ask me a question.

"Tuesday is question day. Ask me tomorrow." For some reason he was irritating me. I felt uncomfortable with his attention. Almost as if I too close to a web and there was a huge hunger spider waiting.

"Funny lady. Wes thinks a lot of you. Did you know that?" Like I said, his laugh never reaches his eyes.

"Yes. He's one of my best friends. His parents look out for me too. They are great people."

"Have you thought about stopping by the B W Grille for an afterwork drink today?"

"Ummm no. I usually am ready to jet home once the clock tells me its that time of day. Why?" What a strange question!

"Oh, I thought I would buy you a drink this afternoon. I stop in on the way home for a drink. Nice place to unwind. You should give it a try." He eye-rated me again.

"Maybe I will one day when I feel the urge. Thanks for the heads up." Closer and closer to the door I skulked.

"I'm trying to figure out what's different about you." The eye-rating continued.

"It's autumn. My leaves are changing. Well, I've got to run back to the studio. Tell Mary I'll slip in here when I've got more free time. Well, take care." I was gone before he could say another word.

Since I've started dancing again, working hard at it..finding a confidence in my dancing that is carrying over to my everyday life... it is very obvious physically. My body is getting more toned, even my walk is different. I had to get some new clothes because my old stuff was hanging on me. So yes, I'm changing... and yes I'm different...to me its a subtle change.

Whatever it is Dickhead's noticed me after 10 years. But the skinny is...I'm thinking that Wes told him I belly dance. Its a running joke between us that I'm a pole-dancing cootchie mamma. Friday, I stopped in the store to pick-up a package that UPS left there and Dickhead was in there talking to Wes, who kidded me about owing me $$ for a lap dance.

Sorry Mr. Dickhead... me no suckee... me no dancee. I'm not shallow...no more that the average person. There are times when I wasn't attracted to someone but most of the time its attitude or personality that turns me off. Shallow Dicks are the biggest turnoffs of all. Just because my cover's changed a little..doesn't mean the contents have, Mr. DickHead.


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