A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

My Dad is driving me NUTS today.. Nuts I say ... NutsNUTSNutsnuts and... nuts.

He keeps losing stuff... and I'm no where near the objects when they disappear. When he finds them... he doesn't apologize for giving me grief over it.

Here's a sample of our day:

Dad was gone for an hour and half to get lottery tickets in Dillion SC. When he came back to the Studio, I gave him a list of who called for him.

"Rose called. She's in her office now until 5. Oh and Tammy Kerns returned your call. Her number's stuck to the phone. It has a 919 area code."

"I called her?"

"Yes I guess so. That's what she said. She told me you called her earlier and left a message on her voice mail to call you back."

"What did I call her about?"

"I don't know. Alls she said was that she was returning your call."

"You don't know why I called her?"

"No Dad. Think over who you've called today and why. I don't know who you've talked too. I've been busy restoring photos."

"Was it about pictures?"

I sighed, "It has to be about one of 4 things...either her photo order, studio proofs, copy order or wedding photos are ready. She probably owes money or you wouldn't be calling her long distant. Does any of that ring a bell?"

"Yeah, I think I called her." Long pause..."But I don't know what about."

"Dad, call her and find out!"


I need more than a day away from this place. The problem is that we're just getting started with our Holiday rush... this is only going to get worse. Heaven Help ME.


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