A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Call off the Search Party

I'm still alive. Busy but alive.
As usual I have to work today. Dad's out of town, photographing a wedding and I'm stuck here alone. Should be working on some restoration jobs but... it's quiet and I feel like writing.

William passed Kindergarten. According to his teacher, he has improved 80% from where he started. He will always have areas of trouble but for the most part, he'll be able to be in a regular 1st grade class in August. He and I did a little celebration dance yesterday. I'm proud of him.

My only worry for now is teaching him to stand up for himself. He's in an older kids' program at the daycare this summer. They call it the 'afterschool program.' The age group is 6 to 12. The older boys are picking on the little ones. My sister tries to keep an eye on William but she's not around that class much. Friday she caught two older boys pushing him back and forth between them. She intervened. And also William told Ben that he would "kick his butt." Something he picked up from the kids. Lisa gave him a little talk yesterday about this. That if anybody hits or pushes William to tell the teacher. When I get a chance I'll talk to him, but my advice will be different. If he doesn't learn to stand up for himself, he'll be a victim all through school.

William's different. His social skills and communication skills are different, because of autism. He's too special, too intelligent and too golden to be beaten down by cruelty.
Ok, I'm turning off the protective aunt module.

The last few months have been hectic in many ways. I'm taking in enough restoration and copy work to keep me tied down to the computer every day. We don't advertise it. I've developed a good reputation as 'that little girl at tlc who fixes pictures.' Been taking a poll on new clients and how they heard about me. 90% is referral and the rest is through the Yellow Pages or they rode by and saw the studio. I like the 90% being referral. It means I'm making my public happy.

As for romance...well let's just say it's a butterfly, flickering here and there --never landing for long. I kinda like it that way.

And my writing... it manages to survive.


  • At 7:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    You must be doing something right... all that business from word of mouth, its a good thing!


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