A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Friday, November 25, 2005

Day After

I had a nice T-day! Nephew William and I played baseball for a while. I was the pitcher...he was the batter. If he could connect with the ball, he would say "you're a great Pitcher, Aunt Sherrie." If he struck out, he would say "you're a bad pitcher, boooo." I was happy just to get it across the plate.

My plan was to have chicken instead of Turkey, since my brother-in-law was coming with Lisa and the boys. You know...one turkey in the house is enough, but Mom's John brought over a turkey he cooked. It was great, so I put the chickens in the freezer for another day.

The food was good, every one was happy and afterwards, I played soccer with Ben. I really think I should join the USA women's team... I was that good. But then it's easy to have false bravado after a slice of pumpkin pie topped with a dollop of whip cream.

I forgot to watch Survivor. I'm guessing either Gary or Lydia got the boot. Probably Gary. I missed the first 5 mins of CSI but it was easy to follow anyway.

This morning my Sis and I hit the Black Friday sale at K-mart and the Town of Walmart... 3 hours late. I'm not going in at 5 or 6 am to get trampled by the mad rush for those cheap DVD's. We got there at 9 and found what we went for... toys. I picked up some other small items and actually finished up 90% of my shopping. I'm a happy girl.

In Kmart, it wasn't that crowded. I saw a bunch of my regular customers, a few said "Are you open today? I've got a picture I want copied." I said "Yes, at 11:30." Sure enough, one's come by already. My sister is such a trip. She's in a rush all the time. At Walmart this year, they've put things in odd places. I went in for the Star Wars lightsabers that were on sale for $8 each and they were by the bikes! Lisa saw them. I didn't even glance over at the bikes. But I got one for the boys...wish I had gotten me one of them now.

As time ticked away, my sister got in a rush. She was pushing the buggy (what most people call shopping carts). If she encountered an obstacle in the form of another person's buggy, she would push it out of the way with our buggy. When she rammed into a huge display of girls' tights in the kid's department and sent them flying in all directions, I revoked her shopping cart license. I took over the driving. She would walk ahead of me, turning back to see if I was keeping up. Sometimes I wasn't... I would let old folks get by and a few times I braked for handsome men, shopping in pairs for presents for dear old Mom. But we made it through. I told my Dad that Lisa was the persona of a "Black Friday Shopper," short of patience and in a hurry.

Now I'm at work, doing some stuff for tomorrow. My brother is in Georgia until lunchtime Sunday. I plan to go out with a couple of friends tonight who are in town and tomorrow...I'm having them over for an early dinner and I think we're going to watch "War of The Worlds." One of them has the DVD. I saw it at the movies and I hope that by watching it for the second time I'll find a way to forgive them for the soft ending which insulted my intelligence.

Somewhere during the weekend, I've got to type my novel...


  • At 2:47 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    I'm glad you had such a blissful T-day, hon... I saw War of the Worlds last night, and it was really good, very intense... I think that's about the only way it could have ended, since the aliens were undefeatable pretty much... something else had to get them since we couldn't, hehe... but I enjoyed the movied a lot... oh, and Gary got the boot, sadly - that chuckle-head Judd survived another week.

  • At 3:58 PM, Blogger Sherrie said…

    No...that's not what I meant... should have elaborated..what caused me to yell, "Hey Wait a F*ckin' minute" was when Tom and the ever adorable Dakota finally made it to her mother's home in Boston... as they trucked down the street: exhausted, dirty and hungry, the camera focuses on an apartment building...and there's a porch light on.... I'm sitting there thinking.."How is that possible? The rest of America has no electricity." I said out loud, "Please don't let that be their destination. Please let them go past the cozy little street. Don't insult me." Then the door opens and out steps the preggers woman, her husband and a select group of elderly people..they look like they've been sitting around, eating bon bons and watching TV. Why didn't the Aliens get their area?!!! It just ruined the effect of the movie for me. I yelled, "No way...booooooo."

    I could have accepted it better if they looked a little worse for wear.

  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    Ah yeah, I know what you mean about that scene, it did seem out of place... the only sign of anything wrong were the cars abandoned and the leaves and trash all over... it was surreal, but not in a good way.


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