A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Thursday, December 08, 2005

ouch my aching thigh..and woe to my hairy palms

For it to be such a gray cold day, I'm in a fairly good mood... last night at b-dance, I pulled a muscle at the top of my right thigh... the floor was cold so I wore socks which caused me to slip during a turn... good thing it was the last class until Jan.

Afterwards I was putting on my coat and gloves--my gloves are those fuzzy kind--look almost like fur..this pair is brown. I was adjusting one of them and I looked down and said, "Oh no I've got hairy palms." No one got the joke!!! I thought...what a waste.

Put ornaments on the tree last night. The nephews helped for a bit, putting stuff on the same branch. I looked over at it and saw it was sagging, so I moved them, which prompted the boys to put more on the same limb.

Today I've got porn on my mind! Beats thinking about what to cook for supper!


  • At 2:52 PM, Blogger Bob said…

    It's a shame no one gets your jokes around there... I don't know how many of them you've shared on your blog, and the catch line is always that they didn't get it... sad, sad... as for porn, yes, it does soothe the mind, hehe.

  • At 3:09 PM, Blogger Sherrie said…

    I know...it's sort of sad. I'm probably telling the jokes to the wrong people...but it's hard to stifle it when the joke pops into my noggin. It has to come out and blossom into a full flower of humor, raining scent on all around.

  • At 3:21 PM, Blogger Sherrie said…

    hey John G... how have you been? I've missed you this week. I thought we were friends, but I see that porn and hairy palms are something you can relate too as well, so you're forgiven.

    I like the old 80's porn...the era of Barbara Dare, Nina Hartly, Peter Horne... and Ron Jeremy. There was one porn flick I loved to watch it was called "Burlesque Show." It had Ron in it. In one scene him and another guy had a cock fight..with their actually peckers. Oh it was so funny and devilishly naughty. I don't care much for the 70's porno... too much hair. And I can't relate to the porn of today with all the tattos and body piercing. Give me Peter Horne and his special signature any day.

    I sort of feel sorry for the porn industry. They've heard so much about the thing I can do with my tongue and try as they might, they can't get it right in the pornos.

    Oh and my dad...well time heals most pain. He owns a photography studio and I help him. Some people don't make great parents. I guess its good that he wasn't around much when we were growing up. Because even now he's not the best father around. But hey, it's not like we have a choice in our family... not like we do with our friends.


  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Peanut Road said…

    Porn...supper...porn...supper...gosh, at my age, supper starts to win that contest. Anyway, I can turn on the Food Channel and watch Rachel Ray or Giadda de Laurenti (almost certainly misspelled!) cook and sort of have the best of both worlds...if I use my imagination. ;)

  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger Sherrie said…

    Hey John,

    If we have to rent porn on a first date, we're doomed... I say let's make our own!!!

    As for the dirty mind, sex and hobby comment... the potential has been here all along...just needed the right stroking to bring it...on.. ;)

  • At 4:23 PM, Blogger Sherrie said…

    haha Steve... cooking oil.. has lots of uses.


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