A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Friday, October 29, 2004

THis post got lost yesterday

No Lunar Eclipse Seen in Lumberton

No eclipse.. I was ready to fight some clouds... They were a thick blanket over the moon. Damn the cloud coverage.

But I gave it a college try...

Before I went outside John said, "watch out for werewolves."
I said, "If you hear a blood curling scream..."
He interrupted with "I'll stay in my room."

My neighbor called my brother and told him someone was in our yard. lol ME
John told him that I was looking for the moon, Mr. S told him to tell me to go online and watch the webcams ...

I stomped around the yard for a while. Looking for any sign of life beyond the clouds but found none. Eventually I got bored, so I went to my brother's window and scratched on it... did a howl like sound... the neighbor's dogs went boinkers... and outside lights came on around me. Since I didn't want someone calling the sheriff's department, I went inside.

Didn't even scare my brother (he was watching the Red stomp Red)..darn it!! But I did scare some birds and stirr up the dogs.


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