A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Writer's Mode

I'm getting ready to go into writer's mode. Those of you I chat with or send frequent emails...well, I hope you understand if I seem distracted or withdrawn. I'm doing the Nanowrimo project...that means 50K words in 30 days... last year I had a story in my head... I saw it and I wrote it... and I think it turned out fairly well. But this year... well I don't... at least not like I did with the Irish Pirate novel. I've got some characters in mind and some scenarios but I need to develop them into people I can see in my head.
So what does this mean??? It means that I retreat into my private imaginary world and work on character profiles, figure out the setting and location for the story...etc and so forth.
Last year I had one person...whom I don't really talk to much anymore...get mad at me for not being attentive to her emails or IM's. So I'm warning some of you now... I will be distracted during NOVEMBER and don't take it personally.


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