A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Saturday Night and Harry Potter

Why is it that when you have a Monday off the rest of the week seems to be longer? I'm tired today. Battling a slow Saturday at work isn't helping any. I'm out of paper, so I can't do my printing. I don't know how I mistook an empty open box for a full one. I'll blame it on the fingerprint smug on my glasses.

Well, tonight is the night...the new Harry Potter movie is out. I'm there, baby.

We had electrical storms yesterday afternoon and last night.
The oak tree in the backyard lost a few of its arms. When we have electrical storms, my right hand really bothers me. Today its very stiff, I keep making typing errors. I've caught most of them. hehe I should have worn my brace but I hate it.

I have some Tarot reading requests for the weekend. Since I'm tired today, I'll wait until tomorrow to do them.

Can't believe it's taken me 30 mins to scribble here. Time to head home. I'll be back soon.



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