A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sneezing, cinnamon and handbags

This morning I dropped by to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony before going to work. It was one of those fast deals where everyone scattered after sipping a thimble sized cup of punch and nibbling a chicken salad sandwich sans the crust.

I had about 30 mins to kill before work, so I stopped at a dime store to see if they had any 'big dolls with hair.' My cousin Lee's oldest girl Jordan will be 4 this weekend and wants a "big baby doll with hair that I can brush." Man they are hard to find! But I found some in the store and decided to come back after work when I had more time to inspect each one and figure out which was the one for Jordan.

As I was walking through the store (why is the toy section of any store at the very back?) I passed a Christmas display--Santas, Snowmen, Angels, Trees...the whole North Pole... and a big display of cinnamon scented pine cones...which sent me into a series of sneezing. I'm not talking 1 or 2 sneezes, I'm talking 10 or more. Non-stop eye-watering, nose dripping, breath stealing sneezing! I couldn't find a tissue in my handbag. The tissues were on the other side of the store and I knew I would never make it without wiping my eyes and blowing my nose.

I was on the verge of using my sleeve to wipe my nose like some street urchin when a little black lady appeared and said, "Oh you poor chile. Let me see if I got a Kleenex?"

I tried to say thank you but sneezed. Through watery eyes, I watched her open the biggest handbag I've ever seen and move stuff around until she pulled out a small box of tissue. She offered it to me and I quickly snatched out two and blew my nose. She patted my arm and told me to take some more. I thanked her and quickly beat a trail out of the store.

Now after taking an allergy pill, my sinuses, eyes and nose are happy. As I sit here thinking about what happen I realize that I will never again make fun of a person with a huge handbag...because you never know when one may come to your rescue.


  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hahaha, I'm one of those people with the big handbags.
    Actually its more like a tote.. I have just about everything in there!
    Oh, an answer to your question: why they stock the toys all the way in the back. It's so that when the kids drag their parents through the store to show 'em what they want for Christmas, the parents will fall victim to impulse shopping. Simple marketing ploy set up ages ago, but very effective.. :)

  • At 3:07 PM, Blogger Sherrie said…

    I'm a small handbag chick. But they are strange looking handbags. Like a white leopard imitation with marabou feathers at the top...or a small circular suitcase looking one with tiger strips. I usually bring out the one with the feathers on dates to test the reaction of the datee.. or dater ...

    As for the question...well it was a rhetorical one lol... I tend to insert them occasionally for the hell of it.


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