A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Friday, August 27, 2004


 I''m having a really good day so far. Joe Freeman, a Publisher/Editor of a small local magazine called from his cell phone to talk to Dad and I told him I enjoyed reading his magazine every month...he said, "Aren't you sweet? Come outside your studio and I'll take a picture of you. We'll put it in the magazine "My number 1 reader, Sherrie Parnell of TLC Photography."
I 'm not dressed for a photo. I've got my United We Stand T and jeans on. But he took one (he's handicapped--had polio when he was young) and we were talking about digital cameras and I said, "Did Dad tell you that I have a poetry book being published?" You would think I had pooped Diamonds! He gushed all over me, pulled out his card and said, "Forget the number 1 status...I want an exclusive on your poetry book when you get it. Here's my card." Then we spent 10 mins talking about it.
He asked that when I'm on Leno or Letterman to mention him. I said if his exclusive gets me a guest shot, I'll tell them his magazine inspired me to write. lol


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