A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2004


William has homework in kindergarten...nightly!

Last night I helped him or rather he helped me... 3 sheets --front and back with exercises.
The first one was of shapes... no--not circles and squares... hexagons, trapezoids and triangles.
He had to color each a certain color. Hey I can deal with that.

But...the next exercise had a big jumbled hodge-podge of shapes and asked to count how many were there. I'm standing over him, staring at it and suddenly he says, "See Aunt Sherrie...triangles." He picks up the appropriate crayon and colors them, then does the hexegon and lastly the trapezoids. I told Mom I don't remember doing these until the 2nd grade.
But he did great. We traced his name a few times and then he had to practice his number 1.

No problems...but according to his daily report card, he wouldn't do his work at school. I had a talk with him...don't know if it helps. I think that when he's extra tired he's doesn't want to co-operate. He was yawning during the tracing of his name.

I went through the daily log and he mostly has good days. I told Mom once he gets used to the routine and having to do actually school work that I think he'll have fun. But the key to it all...is keeping him challenged. Obviously hexagons aren' t much of one!


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