A Sip of Sherrie

A taste of Me.. Poetry, stories and reflections of a Southern Belle. :)

Saturday, August 07, 2004

A lazy Day??? No Way

Today is the first day that I haven't had a rush job to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've got other orders to work on but they aren't due out till next week.
Last night I was so tired, I did some sketching in a sketch book
and had my lights out by 11:30.
Sometimes I get so angry with my drawing hand, because I can't draw as good as I used to.  My hand bothered me for 5 years before I saw a doctor and the only reason I did was because it had swollen almost twice its size. I couldn't bend my fingers. After seeing 3 different doctors, it was confirmed I had Carpal Tunnel Syndrome...and if operated on the prognosis wasn't all that great.. a 40-60% ration. Now if the ratio was reversed, I might would go for the surgery but.. I don't want to take a chance and lose the remaining use of my hand.
So what do I do... I draw a little at a time when I can. I take Advil or Alieve in the am with breakfast. Do some exercises that help relieve the pressure on the carpal tunnel nerve and thank God daily for what I can do with my hand.
So far, its not gotten worse --tho in the summer and winter it bothers me muchly. Today its stiff but typing is helping to loosen up the fingers.
Man, didn't mean to run off about CTS.
Saw  the Village on Thursday. A good flick. Not as good as Signs but still good. Neat twist to the film. I bet the critics are having a hard time with this one, because if they write too much about the plot it gives the story away and would ruin it. I went in blindly, only vaguely remembering what I saw of the previews during the promotional stage of the film. I'm glad I didn't know much. I couldn't figure it out... and when the twist was revealed I wondered... was I hearing it wrong???? When I realized what was happening I was like... WOW ... this guy's a Genuis!!!  I can't compare it to another film because there isn't one to compare it to.. so my normal rating scale is useless. But I do recommend it, if you like movies that are unusual.


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